Monday, August 16, 2010

Gems Yield Power

Gems Yield Power

Gems have healing power and human beings have always had a fascination for clear and colored stones. Healers from ancient times used them to harness individual qualities that healed body, mind and soil. These healers used special techniques by placing various stone on the body to eliminate stress and frustration. This was especially helpful when people were tense and angry hence, the art of the healer lies in choosing the right stone to help release energy blocks.

All gems and stones posses somewhat mystic qualities whilst some make us feel good about ourselves, each gem have a specific quality of divinity, which can bring us release when the material world has stripped us of our true nature.(practical tools of healing)generally, healers work specially with a gem of a particular color of each gems helps us to distinguish its use.

Every person has intintive abilities that attract and get attracted to a particular gem. Without conscious knowledge, the use of gems &stones in our daily lives, help us to uplift our spirits, redress imbalance and help us attain our true potential.

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