Monday, May 18, 2020

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year in Islamic culture. Muslims observe the month of Ramadan, to mark that Allah or God, gave the first chapters of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad . During Ramadan, Muslims fast, abstain from pleasures and pray to become closer to God. It is also a time for families to gather and cele

 Ramadan is also a month of increased worship and prayer, reading and recitation of the Quran, religious devotion and spiritual reflection, self-examination and charity to the poor. It is said that the spiritual rewards reaped for such intensive extra efforts during Ramadan are greatly multiplied.The daily fast is broken at sunset with an evening meal known as iftar. Often a community meal, iftar is frequently a chance for social gathering and religious fellowship throughout Ramadan but in this year we will be with immediate family because of this unknow dangerous virus.

Fasting during Ramadan is the fourth of the Five Pillars of Islam. These pillars, or duties, form the basis of how Muslims practice their religion.

What the Pillars of Islam are:

Shahada: faith in the Islam religion,

Salat: pray five times per day facing the direction of Mecca,

Zakat: give support to the needy,

Sawm: fast during Ramadan, and

Hajj: make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during one's lifetime.

What is fasting?

During Ramadan, observant Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. Fasting is not only about abstaining from food and drink: Muslims must also refrain from smoking, taking oral medications and engaging in sexual activities, as well as gossip, fighting and lying. It is a reminder that a person is not just a physical body but a soul as In Ramadan Muslim try to purify their body & soul.

 Muslims practice fasting upon reaching puberty. Some people are exempted, such as those who are ill or frail; women who are pregnant, lactating or menstruating; and travelers.Fasting during Ramadan is a time for Muslims to commit themselves more to God and render "great services to the community in terms of helping the poor, assisting the needy and sharing whatever one has with others,"

In addition to fasting every muslin must offer five daily prayers; and engaging in zakat, or acts of kindness and charity Making Dua & Asking forgiveness from Allah (Subhan Tala)for all his or her sins .

Breaking the fast

Muslims intending to fast wake up early and eat a light meal, known as suhoor, before dawn. Suhoor is typically consumed about half an hour before dawn, in time for the fajr, or morning, prayer  After the sun fully sets at the end of each day, the person typically breaks his or her fast with water and dates, followed by prayers and then a meal called iftar.

Many mosques around the world host interfaith celebrations to break the fast, according to Pohl. This allows everyone to reflect on shared experiences within their own traditions involving fasting, including spiritual growth and social responsibility. "On several occasions Christian participants in these events tell me that they have regained an appreciation and deeper understanding of similar practices in their own faith traditions, such as during the Advent season or Lent."

End of Ramadan & Eid Celebrations

At the end of Ramadan, a three-day spiritual celebration known as Eid al-Fitr occurs. During this time, Muslims rejoice in the completion of the fast. Family members and friends gather to share in feasts and prayers. During Eid al-Fitr, it is customary to donate to the poor and disadvantaged. During the three days, Muslims attend prayers in the morning, and then visit family, friends, neighbors, the sick and the elderly. Feasts are shared with family and friends and small gifts are given; it's socially similar to Christmas in the United States,

A Ramadan, coffee evening with American women association. Kausar & Nabeela presented the above presentation to our non Muslim friends.
mostly every house is decorated 
Ramadan celebration with friends in Bahrain.

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